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Writing is the foundation of all business transactions. The better your written message, the more successful you are: your audience understands and you reap the rewards of simple, clear written communication.

Straightforward sentences. Active verbs. Correct word choice. Appropritate and consistent tense. A well-considered outline. Integrated, meaningful graphics. Simple, clear communication leading directly to enhanced reader comprehension.

We write text that is clear, accurate, comprehensive, accessible, concise, complete, and correct; content that is immediately usable and that builds goodwill with your audiences.

We are your first reader, advocating for clear language. Our job as editor is to tighten the text; sharpen the message; fix grammatical, punctuation, and contextual errors; employ one voice and style—all while bringing a different perspective and mind-set to your document, a certain clarity. We collaborate closely with you to instill clarity and cohesion.

We offer three structured levels of edit: copy (rush) edit, standard edit, and revision edit.

Document Design
The design of your documents directly affects how they are perceived and received.

Our document design services focus on skillfully laying out content and graphics to meet the needs of your audience. Services include graphic design, typography, photography, and the creation of clear graphical elements. We employ a discriminating eye to emphasize the presentation of your information.

Document Management
As your document manager, we ensure that everyone involved participates in review cycles, and that the final document is complete, accurate, and timely.

Learn more about our services.

   Read the Solari blog: Toward Humanity
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